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  • Julianna Sweeney

The Wedding Edit: My Person

On Thursday, we found out that The College of Saint Rose will cease to exist by the end of next year. Just like that, students will have to transfer, professors will be in search of new employment opportunities and the community will lose a landmark institution. It’s crazy to think that one day in the future, when Ty and I are driving through Albany to show our kids where “mommy and daddy went to college and met” that centennial hall might be a nursing home, or Massry might be a community arts center, etc. It’s truly a reminder that everything in this life is temporary.

Our favorite coffee house in college (where Tyler asked me out) closed right before my senior year. Then, our new favorite cafe ended up closing thanks to COVID. Now, the place where it all began is going the way of the dodo bird and although there’s a hint of melancholy, there’s an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being able to have had those experiences.

One of the funny things about marriage is that as much as it’s a new beginning, the premise is really focused on supporting and preparing each other for what comes next; It’s about working toward getting each other to heaven. This life is just as temporary as all of the things mentioned above. We never know how long we’ve got so we might as well soak up every moment of “now” that we can.

I couldn’t imagine my life without this man. He makes me a better person, he reminds me how important the little things are, he always knows how to make me laugh even when I don’t want to, he is my biggest cheerleader, my puzzle piece, my best friend, my adventure buddy, my rock, my person...

You are my everything, Ty. I don’t know what the future holds but what I do know is that I couldn’t be more grateful or excited that I get to spend every moment of the rest of my life with you.

I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as I will tomorrow, darling

Photography Credit to the incredibly talented Elena Vels

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